Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc2023-09-08T11:53:55-07:00

Herniated discs can happen to anyone, but they’re especially common in older people with disc degeneration. At Restore Health in Spokane and Richland, Washington, the pain management team can diagnose herniated discs and treat them with nonoperative care. To find out more about herniated discs and the treatments available for them, call Restore Health, or book an appointment online today.

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Herniated Disc FAQ’s

What is a herniated disc?2023-09-08T11:50:35-07:00

A herniated disc happens when one of the discs in your spine weakens. The discs in your spine share the responsibility of cushioning your vertebrae and absorbing shock when you move. Each disc contains an outer portion called the annulus and a center portion called the nucleus.

A herniated disc happens when the nucleus pushes through the annulus through a tear or weak spot. In many cases, it puts pressure on nearby nerve roots, causing pain, numbness, or tingling in various regions of your body like your arms or legs. The symptoms vary widely, depending on the location of the herniated disc along your spine.

While herniated discs can happen at any point along your spine, they’re most likely to occur in your neck (cervical spine) or lower back (lumbar spine).

What causes herniated discs?2023-09-08T11:51:02-07:00

Herniated discs can happen over time or very suddenly. When a disc herniates quickly, it’s usually because of an excessive strain or severe injury. However, the gradual herniation of discs due to degenerative disc disease is more common.

Degenerative disc disease occurs when your discs get weaker over time due to age-related changes in their structure. With degenerative disc disease, a minor strain or movement can cause a disc to herniate. You might even get multiple herniated discs at one time.

When should I seek treatment for a herniated disc?2023-09-08T11:51:57-07:00

You should book an appointment for professional care at Restore Health if your pain is intense or lasts for a few weeks without improvement.

You should book an appointment sooner if you experience numbness or weakness throughout your limbs.

If your arthritis has progressed to the point that non-surgical treatments don’t make much difference, surgery may be necessary. In one type of surgery for arthritis called a synovectomy, a surgeon removes the inner lining of the joint called the synovium.

Other surgical procedures involve bone realignment or joint fusing to prevent rubbing and irritation. Joint replacement is also possible in some cases.

What are the treatment options for a herniated disc?2023-09-08T11:53:25-07:00

The Restore Health team proudly specializes in diagnosing and treating herniated discs using state-of-the-art technology and nonoperative techniques to help you avoid surgery. After diagnosing your herniated disc using imaging like an MRI or myelogram, they decide on the most fitting treatment for your case.

In order to relieve the pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling from a herniated disc, the team at Restore Health might recommend:

  • Gentle exercise
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Physical therapy
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Fluoroscopy-guided epidural steroid injections

If the pain from your herniated disc lasts beyond nonoperative approaches like these and greatly affects your quality of life, the Restore Health team might recommend spinal surgery.

Discectomy surgery removes some of the disc material that is pressing on a nerve and causing symptoms, while spinal fusion surgery fuses vertebrae together to stabilize your spine after treatment for a herniated disc.

If you experience severe or long-lasting symptoms that could indicate a herniated disc, call Restore Health, or book an appointment online today.

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